You’re the Fire and the Flood (I’ll Always Feel You in my Blood)

Spread me beneath you
I am soft
I am pliant
I can feel the truth in your fingertips
Your touch speaks volumes
writing and rewriting
what a strange story this is

Kiss me please,
let me feel your hunger pangs

Does it burn within you
the way it scorches me?
I can feel your lust
on the sharp edge
of your teeth

I feel your heart hammering
pounding against my chest
I can taste your need on your tongue
you’ve made me such a mess

love me to pieces
chip away at everything I am
burn me to ashes
and rebuild me again

Please, hurt me
please, wound me
But only if you kiss away my tears

Master, Daddy,
Manipulator of my fears

There is Power in Words

I remember the first time I heard your voice. It was like no other voice I’d ever heard. You might think it cut through me clean and surgical, tearing me asunder, rocking my world, touching me in ways unknown. But it did not. No. Your beautiful voice, with its lovely cadence, its deep timbre, its raw honesty and feeling… it could have never cut through me so perfectly.

Your voice was a ragged blade, tearing through the skin and muscle and marrow, leaving rivulets of blood blossoming from jagged edges. Your voice became a deep wound within me, unable to heal–every scab, no matter how newly formed, ripped fresh from the gash to let me bleed again. I feel you distinctly, an unending scar cut into the fabric of my soul. You are like a tattoo that only I can see, something living and breathing, a constant reminder of all that is you.

And like a tattoo, you are an addiction. I want a fresh needle, a raw wound, new blood. I ache for the sound in my ear as much as I ache for you, your body, your mind, the feel of your hands on me, the feel of my hands on you.

I thought about the first time I heard your voice, and the way it sent me spinning, reeling, flying into every moment that has passed between us since.

Who knew it would lead us here.

TMI Tuesday: What’s in a Name?

Pet Names & Body Parts
pet nicknames

1. Do you give pet names to anything? (e.g. Significant other. Car. Breasts. Penis. Vagina.)

Significant Others, lovers, car–nothing else really.

2. Is there a pet name that you can’t stand being called?

Not… really? o.O It’s more like… I only like when certain people call me pet names.

3. Has your body ever done something that you didn’t understand? Even if it was a ‘first time’ something happened?


4. Which body part do you spend the most time on? (grooming, applying, etc.)

Probably my hair. It is down at my hips now and takes a lot of attention.

5. The name of the best lover you’ve ever had.

A lady never tells. *wink*

6. Have you ever taken an ex back?

Yes. Once bitten, twice shy—never again.

Bonus: What’s your biggest concern in the world today?

Global Politics.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

TMI Tuesday: the Three Ls

Love, Life, and Lessons

1. Are you happy with your job? Why or Why not?

I’m happier with my current job than I have been with other jobs. However, it’s still a job and not my intended career, so my dissatisfaction is more peripheral and in the background then actively hating it.

2. What do you want?

Right now, I would really like some sleep, please.

3. Who first broke your heart?

A well meaning man who didn’t realize how fragile I was.

4. What is the biggest mistake you’ve made in a relationship?

Staying in a shit show instead of hightailing it out.

5. What did you learn from you last lover/ex-significant other?

My last ex? If they don’t adore you, they don’t deserve your love or your tears.

6. What novel has been instrumental in shaping your views at any point in your life? Why?

Ender’s Game saga—written by a homophobic/racist dick, but the ideals presented in the book set me on the path I am on now.

7. Tell us about a favorite TV broadcast show you currently enjoy? Give us a synopsis of the show.

Doctor Who. An alien travels through time and space with human companions getting into hijinks.

Bonus: What is your current favorite song to listen to over and over again?

I’ve been listening to Dangerous by Big Data ft. Joy Wave on repeat for a couple of days now.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Milestones and Misconceptions

WordPress tells me that yesterday (8/16) is the five-year anniversary of my blog. It’s only actively been in this incarnation since around… January of 2012, but I have been writing here since 2009. WordPress is also telling me that I’m nearing my 500th post on this blog (that includes private posts). I’m thinking of some way to mark the passing of the blogiversary and the 500 posts, but I’m not sure how yet? This is part of my rather intense need to mark every milestone in some way–I can’t let birthdays, anniversaries, holidays pass without some fanfare. Being my friend or lover is dangerous business around your birthday! Ask Sir. =P
Continue reading

TMI Tuesday: Relationships

Hello. Welcome to TMI Tuesday. Up this week:

Can we talk… relationships?

relationship diagram

1. What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you see an attractive person?

Well, hellooooo gorgeous.

2. What is your idea of a dream date? Describe the person and the type of date experience.

The person: Intelligent, Engaging, Witty, Charming, Flirtatious, Charismatic, Physically attractive (to me)

The date: Keep in mind, this certainly isn’t a first date with a new person, because first dates are never going to be dream dates or ideal dates (IMO). I’d like to take in an opera with someone who really appreciates opera like I do. Something beautiful and romantic and a little sad. This someone would have to understand how close to the surface my emotions lie, because opera always makes me cry, at least a little bit. We’d go back to my apartment and make a late dinner together, working quietly with and around each other in the kitchen, feeding each other tastes of unfinished courses. We’d eat, and chat or we could be silent if it was comfortable. We’d move to the balcony outside of my bedroom and share a bottle of wine or good, aged scotch and talk while the night grew darker, talk until there was a need to touch instead of speak, and we’d fall into bed together, and remain there until breakfast.

3. How many serious relationships have you had? Were you in love?

What’s the definition of a serious relationship? Is it judged based on length or “milestones” like moving in together or being engaged? Or is it based on feelings? In the case of the first, I’ve had two serious relationships. I’ve been engaged and I’ve lived with someone else. I have this problem of feeling very much in love when I’m in the heat of the moment, but later I generally realize that the relationship was a relationSHIT and was stupid and toxic and I wasn’t so much in love with them as I was completely entranced with them at the time.

I think I’ve been in love twice in my life. And neither the person I lived with or the person I was engaged to was one of those times. Though I do still have lingering hurts and pains and holes left in me from ex-fiance and ex-live in boyfriend… I’d rather not measure how much I love a person by how much I allowed them to hurt me. However, the two people that I have had real, honest “in love” feelings for have not hurt me… so maybe there is that.

4. How many casual sexual relationships have you had?

Too many.

5. What will ruin a relationship for you?

A relationship? Lack of communication, lack of intimacy, laziness, someone who doesn’t care about themselves or care to take care of themselves, someone who is unwilling to understand my goals/dreams/ambitions.

Bonus: What is your definition of sexy?

Judging based on my track record, I would say unavailability, be it emotional or sexual unavailability. That’s me being cynical.

But I think sexiness exists as an aura that people carry around them, it is borne of confidence and charisma and though it may have something to do with the way a person looks, I don’t think that the predominant factor in deciding a person’s sexiness is their looks.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!